A European network of sessile oak – Scots pine plots to better understand the effect of tree species mixture on forest vulnerability (REFORM project)

One of the objectives of the REFORM project (REsilience of FORest Mixtures, ERA-NET SUMFOREST, see also here) is to set up a European network of forest plots comparing pure and mixed stands of sessile oak and Scots pine in order to determine the role of tree species mixture on forest vulnerability. In this framework, three plots of the OPTMix device will be integrated in the REFORM project. Additional dendrometric data were collected from March 19 to 23 (crown width measurements and cores from 120 trees).

Thank you to Mathias Steckel, PhD student on the project (Technical University of Munich, TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan, Chair of Forest Growth and Yield Science), coming to help us and supervising the operation.

And a big thank to the staff from Irstea Grenoble (UR LESSEM) coming to help us during this week:
Pascal Tardif (team ASTRRE), Eric Mermin (team ASTRRE) and Patrick Vallet (team DYNAMICS)

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